The Numina Blog

Creating a Community

I get to see what genuinely excites high-achieving professional people. We long to be seen, to feel safe and to belong. Seen for the full gift of who we are. Safe to express without judgment. Collaborating in ways that amplify creativity. In short: the feeling of...

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How to Best Give the Gift of Mentorship

As a leader, there’s a strong chance that more than one member of your team admires you, respects you, and would like to one day see themselves in a similar position. As a result, some of these members may desire a one on one mentorship opportunity with you, as part...

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Top 3 Fears

Most of us are dealing with people who—one way or another—feel nervous. Is there anything more naturally human than being keenly alert to risks, dangers and threats? In these pandemic times, we hear constant reports of how deeply people’s fears have been triggered....

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Entrepreneurs with a big vision attract money. Leaders with a big vision attract top talent. Yet many founders of great innovations and managers of the most engaged teams are not naturally flamboyant. To many, claiming how we are changing the world can seem kind of...

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In supporting any leader over time, there is almost always a moment when he or she hits a lull. That passion that drove your focus so powerfully—to the point of forgetting meals for example, up and eager as dawn breaks—becomes foggy. Distressingly flat. It feels like...

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When You are on the Edge of a Break Up

In the last few weeks, we have been all tested on many fronts. In the pressure of these times, opinions and styles are clashing, and differing world views seem irreconcilable.The best businesses often come out of contrasting leadership styles. For example, one leader...

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David Lesser

David Lesser

Founder CEO

David is a social entrepreneur who believes the best way to change the world is to empower people to be more fully themselves. He has guided people and organizations through crucial transitions for over 35 years, acting as coach and confidant to CEOs and senior executives aspiring to the highest levels of personal growth.