Over the last couple of months we’ve run several user testing groups with the Emerge app.  Two outside of work environments, and two inside of our first client, a small health platform company in San Francisco. The feedback we’re getting is fantastic. One participant said:

“I had no idea how powerful and healing the Emerge app would be for me. The skillful and caring facilitation together with the deep self exploration and personal declarations I experienced with this app have guided me to a whole new level of leadership.”

Another said:

“Working with the Emerge app helped me prioritize business decisions and focus on important growth edges. I was impressed with how quickly and deeply everyone in my E-Team connected and grew.”

People have also reported feeling more connected to and trusting of their coworkers, being better able to ask for help from colleagues and superiors, more clarity about personal and professional goals, better communications with clients, and more empathy and skill when handling office interactions. People have gotten more benefits too, this is just a sample, but what a sample!

Most of the users have grown significantly towards the visions of who they wanted to become that they set at the beginning of these groups, and the client participants have asked that we continue working with them past this testing phase.

All of this has been incredibly satisfying and encouraging. We’re excited to keep building out the content of the app and working with new clients.

If you are part of a small or medium sized company that values company culture, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills not just at the top levels of the company but throughout the organization, please get in touch. We’d love to talk to you about working together.

