How Welcome Do You Feel In This World?

It is my birthday this week and I have been contemplating what we each go through when we are born. We are imprinted from our earliest memories and from stories we are told about our origins.  For example, some aspects of my birth were less than calm. The labor was...

Your Next Fight Can Be A Lot More Productive

Last weekend Chellsa and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary with friends enjoying a special meal together. We all shared about the gifts and challenges of relationships. A benefit and a challenge for us has to do with warrior energy. While Chellsa is more than...

How Big Is Your Appetite for Growth?

Recently I’ve been quite moved to witness how much appetite people have for personal growth. People are keen to be more effective at what they do, to be more whole and inspiring as leaders or colleagues. They want to be more aware and clear as humans. If you’re...