A number of clients and friends are excited about ChatGPT and LaMDA, intelligent bots that are quickly gaining popularity for their detailed and articulate answers across many domains of knowledge.
Ask the bot anything and it comes up with a pretty coherent response. Since a public version was released last November, people have been known to pass university level exams using ChatGPT’s outputs! I was considering writing a blog on How To Perceive Without Bias. I posed that question to ChatGPT about bias. Its answer was really intelligent and helpful. I could easily have published it as my next blog, verbatim. You can see a copy of the bot’s wisdom at the end of this piece.
This Raised The Bar For Me
If an artificially intelligent bot can write genuinely cogent and helpful coaching tips, what is it that I –as a creative being– have to add to the conversation? Is it all I can do to imitate or slightly improve what’s already been remarked on?
What does it take to be an original? To actually change the future?
The function of coaching is to bring each individual to their creative origin. If you empower people to find their originality, that’s where they create something that genuinely makes a difference. I have been inspired by my chats with, and discussions about, these intelligent bots. Inspired to get even clearer about my unique gift.
If you ask ChatGPT “Are you self-aware?”, it’ll respond: “No I am not, I collate all the information that I can assimilate, I don’t originate anything”.
What do you originate? If all we’re doing is to regurgitate what’s already known, pretty soon computers are going to be able to do that better than us. Through investigating, desiring, willing, and collaborating however, we each have the ability to create what did not previously exist. Your creativity may or may not be celebrated or even visible. Deepening a relationship, for example, while not a physical thing, may significantly change the future experience of those involved. If you look inside yourself, you can perceive your unique creativity.
A Meditation
Try this. Write the following question in a journal or note app: In what ways do I change the future? Make two columns underneath. In the right column, write how you perceive your unique creativity–the qualities or things that would not exist without you. In the left column, note what you feel about that part of your expression–where you feel proud or disappointed, depleted or energized.
See if this leads to a deeper clarity about what you want to prioritize in the year ahead. Possibly also, how you might be able to use these coming technologies to further that.
As always, all the best,
David Lesser
How To Perceive Without Bias by ChatGPT
It is not possible to completely eliminate bias from your perception, as everyone has their own unique experiences, beliefs, and perspectives that shape their views of the world. However, there are steps you can take to minimize the impact of bias on your perceptions and decision-making:
- Recognize your own biases: The first step in minimizing bias is to be aware of your own biases and the ways in which they may influence your thoughts and actions. This can be challenging, as biases are often unconscious and automatic. However, taking the time to reflect on your own beliefs and assumptions can help you identify areas where you may be biased.
- Seek out diverse perspectives: Exposing yourself to a variety of viewpoints can help you see issues from multiple angles and consider different perspectives. This can help to reduce the influence of your own biases and provide a more well-rounded understanding of a situation.
- Check your facts: It is important to be mindful of the sources of the information you are using and to verify that it is accurate and reliable. This can help to reduce the impact of bias on your perception and decision-making.
- Take a step back; It can be helpful to take a break and give yourself time to process information before making a decision. This can help you avoid making impulsive decisions based on your biases and give you a chance to consider different perspectives.
Remember that it is normal to have biases, and it is not always possible to completely eliminate
Them. However, by being aware of your biases and taking steps to minimize their impact, you can improve your ability to see the world more objectively and make more informed decisions.