The Numina Blog

Speak Your Gratitude

With shock and surprise in a few short days it will be Thanksgiving again! It feels not so long ago we were waiting with baited breath for the change in warmer temperatures and the promise of sunny summer days. And now with immaculate rhythm as another season closes...

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Claim Your Worth ✨

People have so much more to offer than they think. When I facilitate a leadership team retreat, I have quality time with each individual and with the CEO. Then a strange thing happens when I see them in action together.  I notice how each member of the team is...

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3 Ways To Bridge A Divided Culture

What can we do about the increase of barbarity in global conflicts and accentuated polarity in national discourse? While anti-authoritarian militias may currently be more disjointed than in previous years, a recent study suggests as many as 25 million Americans...

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Can You Heal this Wound?

Last month we explored 2 ways to heal your control wound. Today let’s address a different wound – the performance wound. As we get closer to quarter or year end, financial performance is top of mind. There are actually so many ways people measure or compare...

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2 Ways To Heal Your Control Wound

I encounter four basic wounds that underlie most people’s struggles: the performance wound, boundary wound, abandonment wound, and the control wound. Today we are discussing control, the footprint it leaves, and how to get through it. A client may get feedback that he...

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David Lesser

David Lesser

Founder CEO

David is a social entrepreneur who believes the best way to change the world is to empower people to be more fully themselves. He has guided people and organizations through crucial transitions for over 35 years, acting as coach and confidant to CEOs and senior executives aspiring to the highest levels of personal growth.