The Numina Blog

2 Ways To Go Deeper

One of the questions I get asked is how to take a coaching conversation deeper. Often newer coaches think they need to find clients ready to work at the desired depth. I have found, however, wherever a coaching conversation may originally begin, a skilled coach can...

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What Matters Most to You?

Passionate people can be intense. Do you ever find yourself looking for a better way to hold the tension that may arise with a business partner, or closer to home–in a friendship or romantic partnership? What do you do when differences of perspective start to feel...

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Vent Your Anger 101

Image via Getty How do you deal with pent-up anger? Do you try to tamp it down? Confide in a friend and get all your thoughts out? Or do you wait until it’s no longer manageable to expel negativity over everyone?  When we speak to the people who know a client...

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If You Are In A Bad Place, Do This

A couple weeks ago we discussed being "In the Zone", and ways to maintain that big and at times hard-to-achieve energy. So, what might be the opposite of that space? I often encounter client sessions that ask that very question.  Not too long ago I had a session...

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Meet 5 Women who Inspire Us

From an early age I have been encouraged by the women in my life. My mother, my sister, my female teachers -- they were strong, fiercely independent, they pushed me to challenge limits, stand up for what was right, and honed my desire to help others express their full...

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4 Ways To Be “In The Zone” ✨

Fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, deeply enjoying every activity, at peace inside, your best stuff flowing through you seemingly without effort. We speak of this as being “in the zone” or what psychologists describe  as a “flow state”. Recently I've had...

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David Lesser

David Lesser

Founder CEO

David is a social entrepreneur who believes the best way to change the world is to empower people to be more fully themselves. He has guided people and organizations through crucial transitions for over 35 years, acting as coach and confidant to CEOs and senior executives aspiring to the highest levels of personal growth.