Becoming Your Full Potential

The Emerge app is built up by many modules, or sessions as we call them (as in coaching ‘sessions’), which focus on different facets of leadership and personal development. The first five modules are called Be Your Full Potential, Feeling Small, Being Hard...

Emerge Featured on Ivy Magazine

Ivy, the “social university,” just featured Emerge in their online magazine. I had a lot of fun talking to reporter Andrew Bezek, who was genuinely curious and appreciative about what we’re up to.  Here’s a short quote from the article:...

Amazing Initial Feedback on Emerge

Over the last couple of months we’ve run several user testing groups with the Emerge app.  Two outside of work environments, and two inside of our first client, a small health platform company in San Francisco. The feedback we’re getting is fantastic. One participant...

Pixar’s Inside Out Teaches the Virtue of Sadness

*Spoiler Alert: I’m about to reveal one of the deep lessons from Pixar’s new film. Even if you read this though, you should definitely still go see the movie.* Have you seen Inside Out yet? It’s Pixar’s new movie about a young girl named Riley...

Launching Emerge

We’ve just heard back from Apple that the app is now live in the App Store. It’s free to download and you can access it HERE. We’d love to hear your feedback. You can get in touch with us at [email protected]. We’re also starting...